add_executable_sources Subroutine

public subroutine add_executable_sources(sources, executables, scope, auto_discover, with_f_ext, error)

Add to sources using the executable and test entries in the manifest and applies any executable-specific overrides such as executable%name. Adds all sources (including modules) from each executable%source_dir Compare lowercase strings to allow auto-discovery of pre-processed extensions


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(srcfile_t), intent(inout), allocatable, target :: sources(:)

List of [[srcfile_t]] objects to append to. Allocated if not allocated

class(executable_config_t), intent(in) :: executables(:)

List of [[executable_config_t]] entries from manifest

integer, intent(in) :: scope

Scope to apply to the discovered sources: either FPM_SCOPE_APP or FPM_SCOPE_TEST, see fpm_model

logical, intent(in) :: auto_discover

If .false. only executables and tests specified in the manifest are added to sources

type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: with_f_ext(:)

Additional user-defined (preprocessor) extensions that should be treated as Fortran sources

type(error_t), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error handling

Source Code

subroutine add_executable_sources(sources,executables,scope,auto_discover,with_f_ext,error)
    !> List of `[[srcfile_t]]` objects to append to. Allocated if not allocated
    type(srcfile_t), allocatable, intent(inout), target :: sources(:)
    !> List of `[[executable_config_t]]` entries from manifest
    class(executable_config_t), intent(in) :: executables(:)
    !> Scope to apply to the discovered sources: either `FPM_SCOPE_APP` or `FPM_SCOPE_TEST`, see [[fpm_model]]
    integer, intent(in) :: scope
    !> If `.false.` only executables and tests specified in the manifest are added to `sources`
    logical, intent(in) :: auto_discover
    !> Additional user-defined (preprocessor) extensions that should be treated as Fortran sources
    type(string_t), intent(in), optional :: with_f_ext(:)
    !> Error handling
    type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

    integer :: i, j

    type(string_t), allocatable :: exe_dirs(:)
    type(srcfile_t) :: exe_source

    call get_executable_source_dirs(exe_dirs,executables)

    do i=1,size(exe_dirs)
        call add_sources_from_dir(sources,exe_dirs(i)%s, scope, &
                     with_executables=auto_discover, with_f_ext=with_f_ext,recurse=.false., error=error)

        if (allocated(error)) then
        end if
    end do

    exe_loop: do i=1,size(executables)

        ! Check if executable already discovered automatically
        !  and apply any overrides
        do j=1,size(sources)

            !> Compare lowercase strings to allow auto-discovery of pre-processed extensions
            if (lower(basename(sources(j)%file_name,suffix=.true.)) == lower(executables(i)%main) .and.&
                 canon_path(dirname(sources(j)%file_name)) == &
                 canon_path(executables(i)%source_dir) ) then

                sources(j)%exe_name = executables(i)%name
                if (allocated(executables(i)%link)) then
                    sources(j)%link_libraries = executables(i)%link
                end if
                sources(j)%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM
                cycle exe_loop

            end if

        end do

        ! Add if not already discovered (auto_discovery off)
        associate(exe => executables(i))
            exe_source = parse_source(join_path(exe%source_dir,exe%main),with_f_ext,error)
            exe_source%exe_name = exe%name
            if (allocated(exe%link)) then
                exe_source%link_libraries = exe%link
            end if
            exe_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM
            exe_source%unit_scope = scope
        end associate

        if (allocated(error)) return

        if (.not.allocated(sources)) then
            sources = [exe_source]
            sources = [sources, exe_source]
        end if

    end do exe_loop

end subroutine add_executable_sources