check_fortran_source_runs Function

public function check_fortran_source_runs(self, input) result(success)

Run a single-source Fortran program using the current compiler Compile a Fortran object Create temporary source file Write contents Compile and link program Run and retrieve exit code

Successful exit on 0 exit code

Delete files

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(compiler_t), intent(in) :: self

Instance of the compiler object

character(len=*), intent(in) :: input

Program Source

Return Value logical


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: exe
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: logf
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: object
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: source
integer, public :: stat
integer, public :: unit

Source Code

logical function check_fortran_source_runs(self, input) result(success)
    !> Instance of the compiler object
    class(compiler_t), intent(in) :: self
    !> Program Source 
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: input
    integer :: stat,unit
    character(:), allocatable :: source,object,logf,exe
    success = .false.
    !> Create temporary source file
    exe    = get_temp_filename()
    source = exe//'.f90'
    object = exe//'.o'
    logf   = exe//'.log'
    open(newunit=unit, file=source, action='readwrite', iostat=stat)
    if (stat/=0) return
    !> Write contents
    write(unit,*) input
    !> Compile and link program 
    call self%compile_fortran(source, object, self%get_default_flags(release=.false.), logf, stat)
    if (stat==0) &
    call self%link(exe, self%get_default_flags(release=.false.)//" "//object, logf, stat)
    !> Run and retrieve exit code 
    if (stat==0) &
    call run(exe,echo=.false., exitstat=stat, verbose=.false., redirect=logf)
    !> Successful exit on 0 exit code
    success = stat==0
    !> Delete files
    open(newunit=unit, file=source, action='readwrite', iostat=stat)
    open(newunit=unit, file=object, action='readwrite', iostat=stat)
    open(newunit=unit, file=logf, action='readwrite', iostat=stat)
    open(newunit=unit, file=exe, action='readwrite', iostat=stat)
end function check_fortran_source_runs