dilate(3f) - [M_strings:NONALPHA] expand tab characters
function dilate(INSTR) result(OUTSTR)
character(len=*),intent=(in) :: INSTR
character(len=:),allocatable :: OUTSTR
dilate() converts tabs in INSTR to spaces in OUTSTR. It assumes a
tab is set every 8 characters. Trailing spaces are removed.
In addition, trailing carriage returns and line feeds are removed
(they are usually a problem created by going to and from MSWindows).
instr Input line to remove tabs from
outstr Output string with tabs expanded.
Sample program:
program demo_dilate
use M_strings, only : dilate
implicit none
character(len=:),allocatable :: in
integer :: i
in=' this is my string '
! change spaces to tabs to make a sample input
do i=1,len(in)
if(in(i:i) == ' ')in(i:i)=char(9)
end program demo_dilate
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | instr |
function dilate(instr) result(outstr) character(len=*), intent(in) :: instr ! input line to scan for tab characters character(len=:), allocatable :: outstr ! tab-expanded version of INSTR produced integer :: i integer :: icount integer :: lgth icount = 0 do i = 1, len(instr) if (instr(i:i) == char(9)) icount = icount + 1 end do allocate (character(len=(len(instr) + 8*icount)) :: outstr) call notabs(instr, outstr, lgth) outstr = outstr(:lgth) end function dilate