find_profile Subroutine

public subroutine find_profile(profiles, profile_name, compiler, os_type, found_matching, chosen_profile)

Look for profile with given configuration in array profiles


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(profile_config_t), intent(in), allocatable :: profiles(:)

Array of profiles

character(len=:), intent(in), allocatable :: profile_name

Name of profile

character(len=:), intent(in), allocatable :: compiler

Name of compiler

integer, intent(in) :: os_type

Type of operating system (enum)

logical, intent(out) :: found_matching

Boolean value containing true if matching profile was found

type(profile_config_t), intent(out) :: chosen_profile

Last matching profile in the profiles array


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: curr_compiler
integer, public :: curr_os
integer, public :: curr_priority
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: curr_profile_name
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: priority

Source Code

      subroutine find_profile(profiles, profile_name, compiler, os_type, found_matching, chosen_profile)

        !> Array of profiles
        type(profile_config_t), allocatable, intent(in) :: profiles(:)

        !> Name of profile
        character(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: profile_name

        !> Name of compiler
        character(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: compiler

        !> Type of operating system (enum)
        integer, intent(in) :: os_type

        !> Boolean value containing true if matching profile was found
        logical, intent(out) :: found_matching

        !> Last matching profile in the profiles array
        type(profile_config_t), intent(out) :: chosen_profile

        character(:), allocatable :: curr_profile_name
        character(:), allocatable :: curr_compiler
        integer :: curr_os
        integer :: i, priority, curr_priority

        found_matching = .false.
        if (size(profiles) < 1) return
        ! Try to find profile with matching OS type
        do i=1,size(profiles)
          curr_profile_name = profiles(i)%profile_name
          curr_compiler = profiles(i)%compiler
          curr_os = profiles(i)%os_type
          if (curr_profile_name.eq.profile_name) then
            if (curr_compiler.eq.compiler) then
              if (curr_os.eq.os_type) then
                chosen_profile = profiles(i)
                found_matching = .true.
              end if
            end if
          end if
        end do
        ! Try to find profile with OS type 'all'
        if (.not. found_matching) then
          do i=1,size(profiles)
            curr_profile_name = profiles(i)%profile_name
            curr_compiler = profiles(i)%compiler
            curr_os = profiles(i)%os_type
            if (curr_profile_name.eq.profile_name) then
              if (curr_compiler.eq.compiler) then
                if (curr_os.eq.OS_ALL) then
                  chosen_profile = profiles(i)
                  found_matching = .true.
                end if
              end if
            end if
          end do
        end if
      end subroutine find_profile