get_macros Function

public function get_macros(id, macros_list, version) result(macros)

This function will parse and read the macros list and return them as defined flags. Set macro defintion symbol on the basis of compiler used Check if macros are not allocated. Split the macro name and value.

Check if the value of macro starts with ‘{’ character.

Check if the value of macro ends with ‘}’ character.

Check if the string contains “version” as substring.

These conditions are placed in order to ensure proper spacing between the macros.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=compiler_enum), intent(in) :: id
type(string_t), intent(in), allocatable :: macros_list(:)
character(len=:), intent(in), allocatable :: version

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: i
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: macro_definition_symbol
character(len=:), public, allocatable :: valued_macros(:)

Source Code

function get_macros(id, macros_list, version) result(macros)
    integer(compiler_enum), intent(in) :: id
    character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: version
    type(string_t), allocatable, intent(in) :: macros_list(:)

    character(len=:), allocatable :: macros
    character(len=:), allocatable :: macro_definition_symbol
    character(:), allocatable :: valued_macros(:)

    integer :: i

    if (.not.allocated(macros_list)) then
        macros = ""
    end if

    !> Set macro defintion symbol on the basis of compiler used
    select case(id)
    case default
        macro_definition_symbol = " -D"
    case (id_intel_classic_windows, id_intel_llvm_windows)
        macro_definition_symbol = " /D"
    end select

    !> Check if macros are not allocated.
    if (.not.allocated(macros)) then
    end if

    do i = 1, size(macros_list)

        !> Split the macro name and value.
        call split(macros_list(i)%s, valued_macros, delimiters="=")

        if (size(valued_macros) > 1) then
            !> Check if the value of macro starts with '{' character.
            if (str_begins_with_str(trim(valued_macros(size(valued_macros))), "{")) then

                !> Check if the value of macro ends with '}' character.
                if (str_ends_with(trim(valued_macros(size(valued_macros))), "}")) then

                    !> Check if the string contains "version" as substring.
                    if (index(valued_macros(size(valued_macros)), "version") /= 0) then

                        !> These conditions are placed in order to ensure proper spacing between the macros.
                        macros = macros//macro_definition_symbol//trim(valued_macros(1))//'='//version
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        macros = macros//macro_definition_symbol//macros_list(i)%s

    end do

end function get_macros