has_valid_standard_prefix Function

public function has_valid_standard_prefix(module_name, package_name) result(valid)

Check that a module name is prefixed with the default package prefix: 1) It must be a valid FORTRAN name (<=63 chars, begin with letter, “_” is only allowed non-alphanumeric) 2) It must begin with the package name 3) If longer, package name must be followed by default separator plus at least one char

Basic check: check the name is Fortran-compliant

FPM package enforcing: check that the module name begins with the package name

Query string lengths 2) It must begin with the package name. 3) It can be equal to the package name, or, if longer, must be followed by the 4) Package name must not end with an underscore


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(string_t), intent(in) :: module_name
type(string_t), intent(in) :: package_name

Return Value logical

Source Code

logical function has_valid_standard_prefix(module_name,package_name) result(valid)

    type(string_t), intent(in) :: module_name
    type(string_t), intent(in) :: package_name

    !> Default package__module separator: two underscores
    character(*), parameter :: SEP = "__"

    character(len=:), allocatable :: fortranized_pkg
    logical :: is_same,has_separator,same_beginning
    integer :: lpkg,lmod,lsep

    !> Basic check: check the name is Fortran-compliant
    valid = is_fortran_name(module_name%s)

    !> FPM package enforcing: check that the module name begins with the package name
    if (valid) then

        fortranized_pkg = to_fortran_name(package_name%s)

        !> Query string lengths
        lpkg  = len_trim(fortranized_pkg)
        lmod  = len_trim(module_name)
        lsep  = len_trim(SEP)

        same_beginning = str_begins_with_str(module_name%s,fortranized_pkg,case_sensitive=.false.)

        is_same = lpkg==lmod .and. same_beginning

        if (lmod>=lpkg+lsep) then
           has_separator = str_begins_with_str(module_name%s(lpkg+1:lpkg+lsep),SEP)
           has_separator = .false.

        !> 2) It must begin with the package name.
        !> 3) It can be equal to the package name, or, if longer, must be followed by the
        !     default separator plus at least one character
        !> 4) Package name must not end with an underscore
        valid = is_fortran_name(fortranized_pkg) .and. &
                fortranized_pkg(lpkg:lpkg)/='_' .and. &
                (same_beginning .and. (is_same .or. (lmod>lpkg+lsep .and. has_separator)))

    end if

end function has_valid_standard_prefix