info_profile Function

public function info_profile(profile) result(s)

Print a representation of profile_config_t


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(profile_config_t), intent(in) :: profile

Profile to be represented

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

String representation of given profile


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: i

Source Code

      function info_profile(profile) result(s)

        !> Profile to be represented
        type(profile_config_t), intent(in) :: profile

        !> String representation of given profile
        character(:), allocatable :: s

        integer :: i

        s = "profile_config_t("
        s = s // 'profile_name="' // profile%profile_name // '"'
        s = s // ', compiler="' // profile%compiler // '"'
        s = s // ", os_type="
        select case(profile%os_type)
        case (OS_UNKNOWN)
          s = s // "OS_UNKNOWN"
        case (OS_LINUX)
          s = s // "OS_LINUX"
        case (OS_MACOS)
          s = s // "OS_MACOS"
        case (OS_WINDOWS)
          s = s // "OS_WINDOWS"
        case (OS_CYGWIN)
          s = s // "OS_CYGWIN"
        case (OS_SOLARIS)
          s = s // "OS_SOLARIS"
        case (OS_FREEBSD)
          s = s // "OS_FREEBSD"
        case (OS_OPENBSD)
          s = s // "OS_OPENBSD"
        case (OS_ALL)
          s = s // "OS_ALL"
        case default
          s = s // "INVALID"
        end select
        if (allocated(profile%flags)) s = s // ', flags="' // profile%flags // '"'
        if (allocated(profile%c_flags)) s = s // ', c_flags="' // profile%c_flags // '"'
        if (allocated(profile%cxx_flags)) s = s // ', cxx_flags="' // profile%cxx_flags // '"'
        if (allocated(profile%link_time_flags)) s = s // ', link_time_flags="' // profile%link_time_flags // '"'
        if (allocated(profile%file_scope_flags)) then
          do i=1,size(profile%file_scope_flags)
            s = s // ', flags for '//profile%file_scope_flags(i)%file_name// &
                    & ' ="' // profile%file_scope_flags(i)%flags // '"'
          end do
        end if
        s = s // ")"

      end function info_profile