new_dependencies Subroutine

public subroutine new_dependencies(deps, table, root, meta, error)

Construct new dependency array from a TOML data structure

Flag dependencies that should be treated as metapackages Parse all meta- and non-metapackage dependencies

Neither a standard dep nor a metapackage Valid meta dependency


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dependency_config_t), intent(out), allocatable :: deps(:)

Instance of the dependency configuration

type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table

Instance of the TOML data structure

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: root

Root directory of the manifest

type(metapackage_config_t), intent(out), optional :: meta

(optional) metapackages

type(error_t), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error handling

Source Code

    subroutine new_dependencies(deps, table, root, meta, error)

        !> Instance of the dependency configuration
        type(dependency_config_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: deps(:)

        !> (optional) metapackages
        type(metapackage_config_t), optional, intent(out) :: meta

        !> Instance of the TOML data structure
        type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table

        !> Root directory of the manifest
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: root

        !> Error handling
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        type(toml_table), pointer :: node
        type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
        type(dependency_config_t), allocatable :: all_deps(:)
        type(metapackage_request_t) :: meta_request
        logical, allocatable :: is_meta(:)
        logical :: metapackages_allowed
        integer :: idep, stat, ndep

        call table%get_keys(list)
        ! An empty table is okay
        if (size(list) < 1) return

        !> Flag dependencies that should be treated as metapackages
        metapackages_allowed = present(meta)

        !> Parse all meta- and non-metapackage dependencies
        do idep = 1, size(list)

            ! Check if this is a standard dependency node
            call get_value(table, list(idep)%key, node, stat=stat)
            is_standard_dependency: if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then

                ! See if it can be a valid metapackage name
                call new_meta_request(meta_request, list(idep)%key, table, error=error)

                !> Neither a standard dep nor a metapackage
                if (allocated(error)) then
                   call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//list(idep)%key//" is not a valid metapackage or a table entry")

                !> Valid meta dependency
                is_meta(idep) = .true.


                ! Parse as a standard dependency
                is_meta(idep) = .false.

                call new_dependency(all_deps(idep), node, root, error)
                if (allocated(error)) return

            end if is_standard_dependency

        end do

        ! Non-meta dependencies
        ndep = count(.not.is_meta)

        ! Finalize standard dependencies
        ndep = 0
        do idep = 1, size(list)
            if (is_meta(idep)) cycle
            ndep = ndep+1
            deps(ndep) = all_deps(idep)
        end do

        ! Finalize meta dependencies
        if (metapackages_allowed) call new_meta_config(meta,table,is_meta,error)

    end subroutine new_dependencies