new_package Subroutine

public subroutine new_package(self, table, root, error)

Construct a new package configuration from a TOML data structure


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(package_config_t), intent(out) :: self

Instance of the package configuration

type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table

Instance of the TOML data structure

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: root

Root directory of the manifest

type(error_t), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error handling

Source Code

    subroutine new_package(self, table, root, error)

        !> Instance of the package configuration
        type(package_config_t), intent(out) :: self

        !> Instance of the TOML data structure
        type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table

        !> Root directory of the manifest
        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: root

        !> Error handling
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        ! Backspace (8), tabulator (9), newline (10), formfeed (12) and carriage
        ! return (13) are invalid in package names
        character(len=*), parameter :: invalid_chars = &
           achar(8) // achar(9) // achar(10) // achar(12) // achar(13)
        type(toml_table), pointer :: child, node
        type(toml_array), pointer :: children
        character(len=:), allocatable :: version, version_file
        integer :: ii, nn, stat, io

        call check(table, error)
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call get_value(table, "name", self%name)
        if (.not.allocated(self%name)) then
           call syntax_error(error, "Could not retrieve package name")
        end if
        if (bad_name_error(error,'package',self%name))then

        call get_value(table, "license", self%license)
        call get_value(table, "author", self%author)
        call get_value(table, "maintainer", self%maintainer)
        call get_value(table, "copyright", self%copyright)

        if (len(self%name) <= 0) then
            call syntax_error(error, "Package name must be a non-empty string")
        end if

        ii = scan(self%name, invalid_chars)
        if (ii > 0) then
            call syntax_error(error, "Package name contains invalid characters")
        end if

        call get_value(table, "build", child, requested=.true., stat=stat)
        if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Type mismatch for build entry, must be a table")
        end if
        call new_build_config(self%build, child, self%name, error)
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call get_value(table, "install", child, requested=.true., stat=stat)
        if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Type mismatch for install entry, must be a table")
        end if
        call new_install_config(self%install, child, error)
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call get_value(table, "fortran", child, requested=.true., stat=stat)
        if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Type mismatch for fortran entry, must be a table")
        end if
        call new_fortran_config(self%fortran, child, error)
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call get_value(table, "version", version, "0")
        call new_version(self%version, version, error)
        if (allocated(error) .and. present(root)) then
            version_file = join_path(root, version)
            if (exists(version_file)) then
                open(file=version_file, newunit=io, iostat=stat)
                if (stat == 0) then
                    call getline(io, version, iostat=stat)
                end if
                if (stat == 0) then
                    close(io, iostat=stat)
                end if
                if (stat == 0) then
                    call new_version(self%version, version, error)
                    call fatal_error(error, "Reading version number from file '" &
                        & //version_file//"' failed")
                end if
            end if
        end if
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call get_value(table, "dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(child)) then
            call new_dependencies(self%dependency, child, root, self%meta, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "dev-dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(child)) then
            call new_dependencies(self%dev_dependency, child, root, error=error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "library", child, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(child)) then
            call new_library(self%library, child, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "profiles", child, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(child)) then
            call new_profiles(self%profiles, child, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
            self%profiles = get_default_profiles(error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "executable", children, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(children)) then
            nn = len(children)
            do ii = 1, nn
                call get_value(children, ii, node, stat=stat)
                if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
                    call fatal_error(error, "Could not retrieve executable from array entry")
                end if
                call new_executable(self%executable(ii), node, error)
                if (allocated(error)) exit
            end do
            if (allocated(error)) return

            call unique_programs(self%executable, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "example", children, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(children)) then
            nn = len(children)
            do ii = 1, nn
                call get_value(children, ii, node, stat=stat)
                if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
                    call fatal_error(error, "Could not retrieve example from array entry")
                end if
                call new_example(self%example(ii), node, error)
                if (allocated(error)) exit
            end do
            if (allocated(error)) return

            call unique_programs(self%example, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return

            if (allocated(self%executable)) then
                call unique_programs(self%executable, self%example, error)
                if (allocated(error)) return
            end if
        end if

        call get_value(table, "test", children, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(children)) then
            nn = len(children)
            do ii = 1, nn
                call get_value(children, ii, node, stat=stat)
                if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
                    call fatal_error(error, "Could not retrieve test from array entry")
                end if
                call new_test(self%test(ii), node, error)
                if (allocated(error)) exit
            end do
            if (allocated(error)) return

            call unique_programs(self%test, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if

        call get_value(table, "preprocess", child, requested=.false.)
        if (associated(child)) then
            call new_preprocessors(self%preprocess, child, error)
            if (allocated(error)) return
        end if
    end subroutine new_package