Parsing of c, cpp source files
The following statements are recognised and parsed:
preprocessor statementType | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | c_filename | |||
type(error_t), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | error |
function parse_c_source(c_filename,error) result(c_source) character(*), intent(in) :: c_filename type(srcfile_t) :: c_source type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: fh, n_include, i, pass, stat type(string_t), allocatable :: file_lines(:) c_source%file_name = c_filename if (str_ends_with(lower(c_filename), ".c")) then c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_CSOURCE else if (str_ends_with(lower(c_filename), ".h")) then c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_CHEADER else if (str_ends_with(lower(c_filename), ".cpp")) then c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_CPPSOURCE end if allocate(c_source%modules_used(0)) allocate(c_source%modules_provided(0)) allocate(c_source%parent_modules(0)) file_lines = read_lines(c_filename) ! Ignore empty files, returned as FPM_UNIT_UNKNOWN if (len_trim(file_lines) < 1) then c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_UNKNOWN return end if c_source%digest = fnv_1a(file_lines) do pass = 1,2 n_include = 0 file_loop: do i=1,size(file_lines) ! Process 'INCLUDE' statements if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'#include') == 1 .and. & index(file_lines(i)%s,'"') > 0) then n_include = n_include + 1 if (pass == 2) then c_source%include_dependencies(n_include)%s = & & split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims='"',stat=stat) if (stat /= 0) then call file_parse_error(error,c_filename, & 'unable to get c include file',i, & file_lines(i)%s,index(file_lines(i)%s,'"')) return end if end if end if end do file_loop if (pass == 1) then allocate(c_source%include_dependencies(n_include)) end if end do end function parse_c_source