validate_os_name Subroutine

public subroutine validate_os_name(os_name, is_valid)

Check if os_name is a valid name of a supported OS


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=:), intent(in), allocatable :: os_name

Name of an operating system

logical, intent(out) :: is_valid

Boolean value of whether os_name is valid or not

Source Code

      subroutine validate_os_name(os_name, is_valid)

        !> Name of an operating system
        character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: os_name

        !> Boolean value of whether os_name is valid or not
        logical, intent(out) :: is_valid

        select case (os_name)
          case ("linux", "macos", "windows", "cygwin", "solaris", "freebsd", &
                          & "openbsd", "unknown")
            is_valid = .true.
          case default
            is_valid = .false.
        end select

      end subroutine validate_os_name