fpm.f90 Source File

Source Code

module fpm
use fpm_strings, only: string_t, operator(.in.), glob, join, string_cat, &
                      lower, str_ends_with, is_fortran_name, str_begins_with_str, &
                      is_valid_module_name, len_trim
use fpm_backend, only: build_package
use fpm_command_line, only: fpm_build_settings, fpm_new_settings, &
                      fpm_run_settings, fpm_install_settings, fpm_test_settings, &
use fpm_dependency, only : new_dependency_tree
use fpm_filesystem, only: is_dir, join_path, list_files, exists, &
                   basename, filewrite, mkdir, run, os_delete_dir
use fpm_model, only: fpm_model_t, srcfile_t, show_model, fortran_features_t, &
use fpm_compiler, only: new_compiler, new_archiver, set_cpp_preprocessor_flags

use fpm_sources, only: add_executable_sources, add_sources_from_dir
use fpm_targets, only: targets_from_sources, build_target_t, build_target_ptr, &
use fpm_manifest, only : get_package_data, package_config_t
use fpm_meta, only : resolve_metapackages
use fpm_error, only : error_t, fatal_error, fpm_stop
use fpm_toml, only: name_is_json
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdin => input_unit, &
                                        & stdout => output_unit, &
                                        & stderr => error_unit
use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_ptr, c_int, c_null_char, c_associated, c_f_pointer
use fpm_environment, only: os_is_unix
use fpm_settings, only: fpm_global_settings, get_global_settings

implicit none
public :: cmd_build, cmd_run, cmd_clean
public :: build_model, check_modules_for_duplicates


!> Constructs a valid fpm model from command line settings and the toml manifest.
subroutine build_model(model, settings, package, error)
    type(fpm_model_t), intent(out) :: model
    class(fpm_build_settings), intent(inout) :: settings
    type(package_config_t), intent(inout) :: package
    type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

    integer :: i, j
    type(package_config_t) :: dependency
    character(len=:), allocatable :: manifest, lib_dir
    logical :: has_cpp
    logical :: duplicates_found
    type(string_t) :: include_dir

    model%package_name = package%name


    call new_compiler(model%compiler, settings%compiler, settings%c_compiler, &
        & settings%cxx_compiler, echo=settings%verbose, verbose=settings%verbose)
    call new_archiver(model%archiver, settings%archiver, &
        & echo=settings%verbose, verbose=settings%verbose)

    if (model%compiler%is_unknown()) then
        write(*, '(*(a:,1x))') &
            "<WARN>", "Unknown compiler", model%compiler%fc, "requested!", &
            "Defaults for this compiler might be incorrect"
    end if

    call new_compiler_flags(model,settings)
    model%build_prefix = join_path("build", basename(model%compiler%fc))
    model%include_tests = settings%build_tests
    model%enforce_module_names = package%build%module_naming
    model%module_prefix = package%build%module_prefix

    ! Resolve meta-dependencies into the package and the model
    call resolve_metapackages(model,package,settings,error)
    if (allocated(error)) return

    ! Create dependencies
    call new_dependency_tree(model%deps, cache=join_path("build", "cache.toml"))

    ! Build and resolve model dependencies
    call model%deps%add(package, error)
    if (allocated(error)) return

    ! Update dependencies where needed
    call model%deps%update(error)
    if (allocated(error)) return

    ! build/ directory should now exist
    if (.not.exists("build/.gitignore")) then
      call filewrite(join_path("build", ".gitignore"),["*"])
    end if


    has_cpp = .false.
    do i = 1, model%deps%ndep
        associate(dep => model%deps%dep(i))
            manifest = join_path(dep%proj_dir, "fpm.toml")

            call get_package_data(dependency, manifest, error, apply_defaults=.true.)
            if (allocated(error)) exit

            model%packages(i)%name = dependency%name
            associate(features => model%packages(i)%features)
                features%implicit_typing = dependency%fortran%implicit_typing
                features%implicit_external = dependency%fortran%implicit_external
                features%source_form = dependency%fortran%source_form
            end associate
            model%packages(i)%version = package%version%s()

            !> Add this dependency's manifest macros
            call model%packages(i)%preprocess%destroy()

            if (allocated(dependency%preprocess)) then
                do j = 1, size(dependency%preprocess)
                    call model%packages(i)%preprocess%add_config(dependency%preprocess(j))
                end do
            end if

            !> Add this dependency's package-level macros
            if (allocated(dep%preprocess)) then
                do j = 1, size(dep%preprocess)
                    call model%packages(i)%preprocess%add_config(dep%preprocess(j))
                end do
            end if

            if (model%packages(i)%preprocess%is_cpp()) has_cpp = .true.

            if (.not.allocated(model%packages(i)%sources)) allocate(model%packages(i)%sources(0))

            if (allocated(dependency%library)) then

                if (allocated(dependency%library%source_dir)) then
                    lib_dir = join_path(dep%proj_dir, dependency%library%source_dir)
                    if (is_dir(lib_dir)) then
                        call add_sources_from_dir(model%packages(i)%sources, lib_dir, FPM_SCOPE_LIB, &
                            with_f_ext=model%packages(i)%preprocess%suffixes, error=error)
                        if (allocated(error)) exit
                    end if
                end if

                if (allocated(dependency%library%include_dir)) then
                    do j=1,size(dependency%library%include_dir)
                        include_dir%s = join_path(dep%proj_dir, dependency%library%include_dir(j)%s)
                        if (is_dir(include_dir%s)) then
                            model%include_dirs = [model%include_dirs, include_dir]
                        end if
                    end do
                end if

            end if

            if (allocated(dependency%build%link)) then
                model%link_libraries = [model%link_libraries, dependency%build%link]
            end if

            if (allocated(dependency%build%external_modules)) then
                model%external_modules = [model%external_modules, dependency%build%external_modules]
            end if

            ! Copy naming conventions from this dependency's manifest
            model%packages(i)%enforce_module_names = dependency%build%module_naming
            model%packages(i)%module_prefix        = dependency%build%module_prefix

        end associate
    end do
    if (allocated(error)) return

    ! Add optional flags
    if (has_cpp) call set_cpp_preprocessor_flags(model%compiler%id, model%fortran_compile_flags)

    ! Add sources from executable directories
    if (is_dir('app') .and. package%build%auto_executables) then
        call add_sources_from_dir(model%packages(1)%sources,'app', FPM_SCOPE_APP, &
                                   with_executables=.true., with_f_ext=model%packages(1)%preprocess%suffixes,&

        if (allocated(error)) then
        end if

    end if
    if (is_dir('example') .and. package%build%auto_examples) then
        call add_sources_from_dir(model%packages(1)%sources,'example', FPM_SCOPE_EXAMPLE, &
                                  with_executables=.true., &

        if (allocated(error)) then
        end if

    end if
    if (is_dir('test') .and. package%build%auto_tests) then
        call add_sources_from_dir(model%packages(1)%sources,'test', FPM_SCOPE_TEST, &
                                  with_executables=.true., &

        if (allocated(error)) then

    end if
    if (allocated(package%executable)) then
        call add_executable_sources(model%packages(1)%sources, package%executable, FPM_SCOPE_APP, &
                                     auto_discover=package%build%auto_executables, &
                                     with_f_ext=model%packages(1)%preprocess%suffixes, &

        if (allocated(error)) then
        end if

    end if
    if (allocated(package%example)) then
        call add_executable_sources(model%packages(1)%sources, package%example, FPM_SCOPE_EXAMPLE, &
                                     auto_discover=package%build%auto_examples, &
                                     with_f_ext=model%packages(1)%preprocess%suffixes, &

        if (allocated(error)) then
        end if

    end if
    if (allocated(package%test)) then
        call add_executable_sources(model%packages(1)%sources, package%test, FPM_SCOPE_TEST, &
                                     auto_discover=package%build%auto_tests, &
                                     with_f_ext=model%packages(1)%preprocess%suffixes, &

        if (allocated(error)) then


    if (settings%verbose) then
        write(*,*)'<INFO> BUILD_NAME: ',model%build_prefix
        write(*,*)'<INFO> COMPILER:  ',model%compiler%fc
        write(*,*)'<INFO> C COMPILER:  ',model%compiler%cc
        write(*,*)'<INFO> CXX COMPILER: ',model%compiler%cxx
        write(*,*)'<INFO> COMPILER OPTIONS:  ', model%fortran_compile_flags
        write(*,*)'<INFO> C COMPILER OPTIONS:  ', model%c_compile_flags
        write(*,*)'<INFO> CXX COMPILER OPTIONS: ', model%cxx_compile_flags
        write(*,*)'<INFO> LINKER OPTIONS:  ', model%link_flags
        write(*,*)'<INFO> INCLUDE DIRECTORIES:  [', string_cat(model%include_dirs,','),']'
    end if

    ! Check for invalid module names
    call check_module_names(model, error)
    if (allocated(error)) return

    ! Check for duplicate modules
    duplicates_found = .false.
    call check_modules_for_duplicates(model, duplicates_found)
    if (duplicates_found) then
        call fpm_stop(1,'*build_model*:Error: One or more duplicate module names found.')
    end if
end subroutine build_model

!> Initialize model compiler flags
subroutine new_compiler_flags(model,settings)
    type(fpm_model_t), intent(inout) :: model
    type(fpm_build_settings), intent(in) :: settings

    character(len=:), allocatable :: flags, cflags, cxxflags, ldflags

    if (settings%flag == '') then
        flags = model%compiler%get_default_flags(settings%profile == "release")
        flags = settings%flag
        select case(settings%profile)
        case("release", "debug")
            flags = flags // model%compiler%get_default_flags(settings%profile == "release")
        end select
    end if

    cflags   = trim(settings%cflag)
    cxxflags = trim(settings%cxxflag)
    ldflags  = trim(settings%ldflag)

    model%fortran_compile_flags = flags
    model%c_compile_flags       = cflags
    model%cxx_compile_flags     = cxxflags
    model%link_flags            = ldflags

end subroutine new_compiler_flags

! Check for duplicate modules
subroutine check_modules_for_duplicates(model, duplicates_found)
    type(fpm_model_t), intent(in) :: model
    integer :: maxsize
    integer :: i,j,k,l,m,modi
    type(string_t), allocatable :: modules(:)
    logical :: duplicates_found
    ! Initialise the size of array
    maxsize = 0
    ! Get number of modules provided by each source file of every package
    do i=1,size(model%packages)
      do j=1,size(model%packages(i)%sources)
        if (allocated(model%packages(i)%sources(j)%modules_provided)) then
          maxsize = maxsize + size(model%packages(i)%sources(j)%modules_provided)
        end if
      end do
    end do
    ! Allocate array to contain distinct names of modules

    ! Initialise index to point at start of the newly allocated array
    modi = 1

    ! Loop through modules provided by each source file of every package
    ! Add it to the array if it is not already there
    ! Otherwise print out warning about duplicates
    do k=1,size(model%packages)
      do l=1,size(model%packages(k)%sources)
        if (allocated(model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided)) then
          do m=1,size(model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided)
            if (model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided(m)%s.in.modules(:modi-1)) then
              write(stderr, *) "Warning: Module ",model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided(m)%s, &
                " in ",model%packages(k)%sources(l)%file_name," is a duplicate"
              duplicates_found = .true.
              modules(modi) = model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided(m)
              modi = modi + 1
            end if
          end do
        end if
      end do
    end do
end subroutine check_modules_for_duplicates

! Check names of all modules in this package and its dependencies
subroutine check_module_names(model, error)
    type(fpm_model_t), intent(in) :: model
    type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
    integer :: k,l,m
    logical :: valid,errors_found,enforce_this_file
    type(string_t) :: package_name,module_name,package_prefix

    errors_found = .false.

    ! Loop through modules provided by each source file of every package
    ! Add it to the array if it is not already there
    ! Otherwise print out warning about duplicates
    do k=1,size(model%packages)

        package_name = string_t(model%packages(k)%name)

        ! Custom prefix is taken from each dependency's manifest
        if (model%packages(k)%enforce_module_names) then
            package_prefix = model%packages(k)%module_prefix
            package_prefix = string_t("")
        end if

        ! Warn the user if some of the dependencies have loose naming
        if (model%enforce_module_names .and. .not.model%packages(k)%enforce_module_names) then
           write(stderr, *) "Warning: Dependency ",package_name%s // &
                            " does not enforce module naming, but project does. "
        end if

        do l=1,size(model%packages(k)%sources)

            ! Module naming is not enforced in test modules
            enforce_this_file =  model%enforce_module_names .and. &

            if (allocated(model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided)) then

                do m=1,size(model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided)

                    module_name = model%packages(k)%sources(l)%modules_provided(m)

                    valid = is_valid_module_name(module_name, &
                                                 package_name, &
                                                 package_prefix, &

                    if (.not.valid) then

                        if (enforce_this_file) then

                            if (len_trim(package_prefix)>0) then

                            write(stderr, *) "ERROR: Module ",module_name%s, &
                                             " in ",model%packages(k)%sources(l)%file_name, &
                                             " does not match its package name ("//package_name%s// &
                                             ") or custom prefix ("//package_prefix%s//")."

                            write(stderr, *) "ERROR: Module ",module_name%s, &
                                             " in ",model%packages(k)%sources(l)%file_name, &
                                             " does not match its package name ("//package_name%s//")."



                            write(stderr, *) "ERROR: Module ",module_name%s, &
                                             " in ",model%packages(k)%sources(l)%file_name, &
                                             " has an invalid Fortran name. "

                        end if

                        errors_found = .true.

                    end if
                end do
            end if
        end do
    end do

    if (errors_found) then

        if (model%enforce_module_names) &
            write(stderr, *) "       Hint: Try disabling module naming in the manifest: [build] module-naming=false . "

        call fatal_error(error,"The package contains invalid module names. "// &
                               "Naming conventions "//merge('are','not',model%enforce_module_names)// &
                               " being requested.")
    end if

end subroutine check_module_names

subroutine cmd_build(settings)
type(fpm_build_settings), intent(inout) :: settings

type(package_config_t) :: package
type(fpm_model_t) :: model
type(build_target_ptr), allocatable :: targets(:)
type(error_t), allocatable :: error

integer :: i

call get_package_data(package, "fpm.toml", error, apply_defaults=.true.)
if (allocated(error)) then
    call fpm_stop(1,'*cmd_build* Package error: '//error%message)
end if

call build_model(model, settings, package, error)
if (allocated(error)) then
    call fpm_stop(1,'*cmd_build* Model error: '//error%message)
end if

call targets_from_sources(targets, model, settings%prune, error)
if (allocated(error)) then
    call fpm_stop(1,'*cmd_build* Target error: '//error%message)
end if

!> Dump model to file
if (len_trim(settings%dump)>0) then
    call model%dump(trim(settings%dump),error,json=name_is_json(trim(settings%dump)))
    if (allocated(error)) call fpm_stop(1,'*cmd_build* Model dump error: '//error%message)

    do i=1,size(targets)
        write(stderr,*) targets(i)%ptr%output_file
else if (settings%show_model) then
    call show_model(model)
    call build_package(targets,model,verbose=settings%verbose)

end subroutine cmd_build

subroutine cmd_run(settings,test)
    class(fpm_run_settings), intent(inout) :: settings
    logical, intent(in) :: test

    integer :: i, j, col_width
    logical :: found(size(settings%name))
    type(error_t), allocatable :: error
    type(package_config_t) :: package
    type(fpm_model_t) :: model
    type(build_target_ptr), allocatable :: targets(:)
    type(string_t) :: exe_cmd
    type(string_t), allocatable :: executables(:)
    type(build_target_t), pointer :: exe_target
    type(srcfile_t), pointer :: exe_source
    integer :: run_scope,firsterror
    integer, allocatable :: stat(:),target_ID(:)
    character(len=:),allocatable :: line

    call get_package_data(package, "fpm.toml", error, apply_defaults=.true.)
    if (allocated(error)) then
        call fpm_stop(1, '*cmd_run* Package error: '//error%message)
    end if

    call build_model(model, settings, package, error)
    if (allocated(error)) then
        call fpm_stop(1, '*cmd_run* Model error: '//error%message)
    end if

    call targets_from_sources(targets, model, settings%prune, error)
    if (allocated(error)) then
        call fpm_stop(1, '*cmd_run* Targets error: '//error%message)
    end if

    if (test) then
       run_scope = FPM_SCOPE_TEST
       run_scope = merge(FPM_SCOPE_EXAMPLE, FPM_SCOPE_APP, settings%example)
    end if

    ! Enumerate executable targets to run
    col_width = -1
    found(:) = .false.
    enumerate: do i=1,size(targets)
        exe_target => targets(i)%ptr
        if (should_be_run(settings,run_scope,exe_target)) then  
            exe_source => exe_target%dependencies(1)%ptr%source
            col_width = max(col_width,len(basename(exe_target%output_file))+2)
            ! Priority by name ID, or 0 if no name present (run first)
            j              = settings%name_ID(exe_source%exe_name)
            target_ID(i)   = j
            if (j>0) found(j) = .true.
            exe_cmd%s      = exe_target%output_file
            executables(i) = exe_cmd
            target_ID(i)   = huge(target_ID(i))
    end do enumerate
    ! sort executables by ascending name ID, resize
    call sort_executables(target_ID,executables)
    ! Check if any apps/tests were found
    if (col_width < 0) then
        if (test) then
            call fpm_stop(0,'No tests to run')
            call fpm_stop(0,'No executables to run')
        end if
    end if

    ! Check all names are valid
    ! or no name and found more than one file    
    if ( any(.not.found) ) then
        if(line/='.')then ! do not report these special strings
              write(stderr,'(A)',advance="no")'<ERROR>*cmd_run*:specified names '
              do j=1,size(settings%name)
                  if (.not.found(j)) write(stderr,'(A)',advance="no") '"'//trim(settings%name(j))//'" '
              end do
              write(stderr,'(A)') 'not found.'
           else if(settings%verbose)then
              write(stderr,'(A)',advance="yes")'<INFO>when more than one executable is available'
              write(stderr,'(A)',advance="yes")'      program names must be specified.'

        call compact_list_all()

        if(line=='.' .or. line==' ')then ! do not report these special strings
           call fpm_stop(0,'')
           call fpm_stop(1,'')

    end if

    call build_package(targets,model,verbose=settings%verbose)

    if (settings%list) then
         call compact_list()

        do i=1,size(executables)
            if (exists(executables(i)%s)) then
                if(settings%runner /= ' ')then
                       call run(settings%runner_command()//' '//executables(i)%s, &
                             echo=settings%verbose, exitstat=stat(i))
                       call run(settings%runner_command()//' '//executables(i)%s//" "//settings%args, &
                             echo=settings%verbose, exitstat=stat(i))
                       call run(executables(i)%s,echo=settings%verbose, exitstat=stat(i))
                       call run(executables(i)%s//" "//settings%args,echo=settings%verbose, &
                call fpm_stop(1,'*cmd_run*:'//executables(i)%s//' not found')
            end if
        end do

        if (any(stat /= 0)) then
            do i=1,size(stat)
                if (stat(i) /= 0) then
                    write(stderr,'(*(g0:,1x))') '<ERROR> Execution for object "',basename(executables(i)%s),&
                                                '" returned exit code ',stat(i)
                end if
            end do
            firsterror = findloc(stat/=0,value=.true.,dim=1)
            call fpm_stop(stat(firsterror),'*cmd_run*:stopping due to failed executions')
        end if

    end if


    subroutine compact_list_all()
    integer, parameter :: LINE_WIDTH = 80
    integer :: ii, jj, nCol
        jj = 1
        nCol = LINE_WIDTH/col_width
        write(stderr,*) 'Available names:'
        do ii=1,size(targets)

            exe_target => targets(ii)%ptr

            if (exe_target%target_type == FPM_TARGET_EXECUTABLE .and. &
                allocated(exe_target%dependencies)) then

                exe_source => exe_target%dependencies(1)%ptr%source

                if (exe_source%unit_scope == run_scope) then
                    write(stderr,'(A)',advance=(merge("yes","no ",modulo(jj,nCol)==0))) &
                        & [character(len=col_width) :: basename(exe_target%output_file, suffix=.false.)]
                    jj = jj + 1
                end if
            end if
        end do
    end subroutine compact_list_all

    subroutine compact_list()
    integer, parameter :: LINE_WIDTH = 80
    integer :: ii, jj, nCol
        jj = 1
        nCol = LINE_WIDTH/col_width
        write(stderr,*) 'Matched names:'
        do ii=1,size(executables)
            write(stderr,'(A)',advance=(merge("yes","no ",modulo(jj,nCol)==0))) &
                & [character(len=col_width) :: basename(executables(ii)%s, suffix=.false.)]
            jj = jj + 1
        end do
    end subroutine compact_list

end subroutine cmd_run

subroutine delete_skip(is_unix)
    !> delete directories in the build folder, skipping dependencies
    logical, intent(in) :: is_unix
    character(len=:), allocatable :: dir
    type(string_t), allocatable :: files(:)
    integer :: i
    call list_files('build', files, .false.)
    do i = 1, size(files)
        if (is_dir(files(i)%s)) then
            dir = files(i)%s
            if (.not.str_ends_with(dir,'dependencies')) call os_delete_dir(is_unix, dir)
        end if
    end do
end subroutine delete_skip

!> Delete the build directory including or excluding dependencies. Can be used
!> to clear the registry cache.
subroutine cmd_clean(settings)
    !> Settings for the clean command.
    class(fpm_clean_settings), intent(in) :: settings

    character :: user_response
    type(fpm_global_settings) :: global_settings
    type(error_t), allocatable :: error

    ! Clear registry cache
    if (settings%registry_cache) then
        call get_global_settings(global_settings, error) 
        if (allocated(error)) return

        call os_delete_dir(os_is_unix(), global_settings%registry_settings%cache_path)
    end if

    if (is_dir('build')) then
        ! Remove the entire build directory
        if (settings%clean_all) then
            call os_delete_dir(os_is_unix(), 'build'); return
        ! Remove the build directory but skip dependencies
        else if (settings%clean_skip) then
            call delete_skip(os_is_unix()); return
        end if

        ! Prompt to remove the build directory but skip dependencies
        write(stdout, '(A)', advance='no') "Delete build, excluding dependencies (y/n)? "
        read(stdin, '(A1)') user_response
        if (lower(user_response) == 'y') call delete_skip(os_is_unix())
        write (stdout, '(A)') "fpm: No build directory found."
    end if
end subroutine cmd_clean

!> Sort executables by namelist ID, and trim unused values
pure subroutine sort_executables(target_ID,executables)
    integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: target_ID(:)
    type(string_t), allocatable, intent(inout) :: executables(:)
    integer :: i,j,n,used
    n = size(target_ID)
    used = 0
    sort: do i=1,n
       do j=i+1,n
          if (target_ID(j)<target_ID(i)) &
          call swap(target_ID(i),target_ID(j),executables(i),executables(j))
       end do
       if (target_ID(i)<huge(target_ID(i))) used = i
    end do sort   
    if (used>0 .and. used<n) then 
        target_ID = target_ID(1:used)
        executables = executables(1:used)
    end if
    elemental subroutine swap(t1,t2,e1,e2)
       integer, intent(inout) :: t1,t2
       type(string_t), intent(inout) :: e1,e2
       integer :: tmp
       type(string_t) :: etmp
       tmp = t1
       t1  = t2
       t2  = tmp 
       etmp = e1
       e1  = e2
       e2  = etmp        
    end subroutine swap
end subroutine sort_executables

!> Check if an executable should be run 
logical function should_be_run(settings,run_scope,exe_target)
    class(fpm_run_settings), intent(in) :: settings
    integer, intent(in) :: run_scope
    type(build_target_t), intent(in) :: exe_target
    integer :: j
    if (exe_target%is_executable_target(run_scope)) then
        associate(exe_source => exe_target%dependencies(1)%ptr%source)
            if (exe_source%unit_scope/=run_scope) then 
                ! Other scope
                should_be_run = .false.
            elseif (size(settings%name) == 0 .or. settings%list) then

                ! Run all or list all
                should_be_run = .true.


                ! Is found in list
                should_be_run = settings%name_ID(exe_source%exe_name)>0
            end if            
        end associate
        !> Invalid target
        should_be_run = .false.
end function should_be_run

end module fpm