!> This module contains general routines for interacting with the file system !! module fpm_filesystem use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdin=>input_unit, stdout=>output_unit, stderr=>error_unit use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_new_line use fpm_environment, only: get_os_type, & OS_UNKNOWN, OS_LINUX, OS_MACOS, OS_WINDOWS, & OS_CYGWIN, OS_SOLARIS, OS_FREEBSD, OS_OPENBSD use fpm_environment, only: separator, get_env, os_is_unix use fpm_strings, only: f_string, replace, string_t, split, split_lines_first_last, dilate, str_begins_with_str use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_ptr, c_int, c_null_char, c_associated, c_f_pointer use fpm_error, only : fpm_stop, error_t, fatal_error implicit none private public :: basename, canon_path, dirname, is_dir, join_path, number_of_rows, list_files, get_local_prefix, & mkdir, exists, get_temp_filename, windows_path, unix_path, getline, delete_file, fileopen, fileclose, & filewrite, warnwrite, parent_dir, is_hidden_file, read_lines, read_lines_expanded, which, run, & os_delete_dir, is_absolute_path, get_home, execute_and_read_output, get_dos_path #ifndef FPM_BOOTSTRAP interface function c_opendir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="c_opendir") import c_char, c_ptr character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: dir(*) type(c_ptr) :: r end function c_opendir function c_readdir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="c_readdir") import c_ptr type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir type(c_ptr) :: r end function c_readdir function c_closedir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="closedir") import c_ptr, c_int type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir integer(kind=c_int) :: r end function c_closedir function c_get_d_name(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="get_d_name") import c_ptr type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir type(c_ptr) :: r end function c_get_d_name function c_is_dir(path) result(r) bind(c, name="c_is_dir") import c_char, c_int character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: path(*) integer(kind=c_int) :: r end function c_is_dir end interface #endif contains !> Extract filename from path with/without suffix function basename(path,suffix) result (base) character(*), intent(In) :: path logical, intent(in), optional :: suffix character(:), allocatable :: base character(:), allocatable :: file_parts(:) logical :: with_suffix if (.not.present(suffix)) then with_suffix = .true. else with_suffix = suffix end if call split(path,file_parts,delimiters='\/') if(size(file_parts)>0)then base = trim(file_parts(size(file_parts))) else base = '' endif if(.not.with_suffix)then call split(base,file_parts,delimiters='.') if(size(file_parts)>=2)then base = trim(file_parts(size(file_parts)-1)) endif endif end function basename !> Canonicalize path for comparison !! * Handles path string redundancies !! * Does not test existence of path !! !! To be replaced by realpath/_fullname in stdlib_os !! !! FIXME: Lot's of ugly hacks following here function canon_path(path) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path character(len=:), allocatable :: canon_path character(len=:), allocatable :: nixpath integer :: istart, iend, nn, last logical :: is_path, absolute nixpath = unix_path(path) istart = 0 nn = 0 iend = 0 absolute = nixpath(1:1) == "/" if (absolute) then canon_path = "/" else canon_path = "" end if do while(iend < len(nixpath)) call next(nixpath, istart, iend, is_path) if (is_path) then select case(nixpath(istart:iend)) case(".", "") ! always drop empty paths case("..") if (nn > 0) then last = scan(canon_path(:len(canon_path)-1), "/", back=.true.) canon_path = canon_path(:last) nn = nn - 1 else if (.not. absolute) then canon_path = canon_path // nixpath(istart:iend) // "/" end if end if case default nn = nn + 1 canon_path = canon_path // nixpath(istart:iend) // "/" end select end if end do if (len(canon_path) == 0) canon_path = "." if (len(canon_path) > 1 .and. canon_path(len(canon_path):) == "/") then canon_path = canon_path(:len(canon_path)-1) end if contains subroutine next(string, istart, iend, is_path) character(len=*), intent(in) :: string integer, intent(inout) :: istart integer, intent(inout) :: iend logical, intent(inout) :: is_path integer :: ii, nn character :: tok nn = len(string) if (iend >= nn) then istart = nn iend = nn return end if ii = min(iend + 1, nn) tok = string(ii:ii) is_path = tok /= '/' if (.not.is_path) then is_path = .false. istart = ii iend = ii return end if istart = ii do ii = min(iend + 1, nn), nn tok = string(ii:ii) select case(tok) case('/') exit case default iend = ii cycle end select end do end subroutine next end function canon_path !> Extract dirname from path function dirname(path) result (dir) character(*), intent(in) :: path character(:), allocatable :: dir dir = path(1:scan(path,'/\',back=.true.)) end function dirname !> Extract dirname from path function parent_dir(path) result (dir) character(*), intent(in) :: path character(:), allocatable :: dir dir = path(1:scan(path,'/\',back=.true.)-1) end function parent_dir !> test if a name matches an existing directory path logical function is_dir(dir) character(*), intent(in) :: dir integer :: stat select case (get_os_type()) case (OS_UNKNOWN, OS_LINUX, OS_MACOS, OS_CYGWIN, OS_SOLARIS, OS_FREEBSD, OS_OPENBSD) call run( "test -d " // dir , & & exitstat=stat,echo=.false.,verbose=.false.) case (OS_WINDOWS) call run('cmd /c "if not exist ' // windows_path(dir) // '\ exit /B 1"', & & exitstat=stat,echo=.false.,verbose=.false.) end select is_dir = (stat == 0) end function is_dir !> test if a file is hidden logical function is_hidden_file(file_basename) result(r) character(*), intent(in) :: file_basename if (len(file_basename) <= 2) then r = .false. else r = str_begins_with_str(file_basename, '.') end if end function is_hidden_file !> Construct path by joining strings with os file separator function join_path(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) result(path) character(len=*), intent(in) :: a1, a2 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: a3, a4, a5 character(len=:), allocatable :: path character(len=1) :: filesep logical, save :: has_cache = .false. character(len=1), save :: cache = '/' !$omp threadprivate(has_cache, cache) if (has_cache) then filesep = cache else select case (get_os_type()) case default filesep = '/' case (OS_WINDOWS) filesep = '\' end select cache = filesep has_cache = .true. end if if (a1 == "") then path = a2 else path = a1 // filesep // a2 end if if (present(a3)) then path = path // filesep // a3 else return end if if (present(a4)) then path = path // filesep // a4 else return end if if (present(a5)) then path = path // filesep // a5 else return end if end function join_path !> Determine number or rows in a file given a LUN integer function number_of_rows(s) result(nrows) integer,intent(in)::s integer :: ios rewind(s) nrows = 0 do read(s, *, iostat=ios) if (ios /= 0) exit nrows = nrows + 1 end do rewind(s) end function number_of_rows !> read lines into an array of TYPE(STRING_T) variables expanding tabs function read_lines_expanded(filename) result(lines) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename type(string_t), allocatable :: lines(:) integer :: i character(len=:), allocatable :: content integer, allocatable :: first(:), last(:) content = read_text_file(filename) if (len(content) == 0) then allocate (lines(0)) return end if call split_lines_first_last(content, first, last) ! allocate lines from file content string allocate (lines(size(first))) do i = 1, size(first) allocate(lines(i)%s, source=dilate(content(first(i):last(i)))) end do end function read_lines_expanded !> read lines into an array of TYPE(STRING_T) variables function read_lines(filename) result(lines) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename type(string_t), allocatable :: lines(:) integer :: i character(len=:), allocatable :: content integer, allocatable :: first(:), last(:) content = read_text_file(filename) if (len(content) == 0) then allocate (lines(0)) return end if call split_lines_first_last(content, first, last) ! allocate lines from file content string allocate (lines(size(first))) do i = 1, size(first) allocate(lines(i)%s, source=content(first(i):last(i))) end do end function read_lines !> read text file into a string function read_text_file(filename) result(string) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename character(len=:), allocatable :: string integer :: fh, length open (newunit=fh, file=filename, status='old', action='read', & access='stream', form='unformatted') inquire (fh, size=length) allocate (character(len=length) :: string) if (length == 0) return read (fh) string close (fh) end function read_text_file !> Create a directory. Create subdirectories as needed subroutine mkdir(dir, echo) character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir logical, intent(in), optional :: echo integer :: stat if (is_dir(dir)) return select case (get_os_type()) case (OS_UNKNOWN, OS_LINUX, OS_MACOS, OS_CYGWIN, OS_SOLARIS, OS_FREEBSD, OS_OPENBSD) call run('mkdir -p ' // dir, exitstat=stat,echo=echo,verbose=.false.) case (OS_WINDOWS) call run("mkdir " // windows_path(dir), & & echo=echo, exitstat=stat,verbose=.false.) end select if (stat /= 0) then call fpm_stop(1, '*mkdir*:directory creation failed') end if end subroutine mkdir #ifndef FPM_BOOTSTRAP !> Get file & directory names in directory `dir` using iso_c_binding. !! !! - File/directory names return are relative to cwd, ie. preprended with `dir` !! - Includes files starting with `.` except current directory and parent directory !! recursive subroutine list_files(dir, files, recurse) character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir type(string_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: files(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: recurse integer :: i type(string_t), allocatable :: dir_files(:) type(string_t), allocatable :: sub_dir_files(:) type(c_ptr) :: dir_handle type(c_ptr) :: dir_entry_c character(len=:,kind=c_char), allocatable :: fortran_name character(len=:), allocatable :: string_fortran integer, parameter :: N_MAX = 256 type(string_t) :: files_tmp(N_MAX) integer(kind=c_int) :: r if (c_is_dir(dir(1:len_trim(dir))//c_null_char) == 0) then allocate (files(0)) return end if dir_handle = c_opendir(dir(1:len_trim(dir))//c_null_char) if (.not. c_associated(dir_handle)) then print *, 'c_opendir() failed' error stop end if i = 0 allocate(files(0)) do dir_entry_c = c_readdir(dir_handle) if (.not. c_associated(dir_entry_c)) then exit else string_fortran = f_string(c_get_d_name(dir_entry_c)) if ((string_fortran == '.' .or. string_fortran == '..')) then cycle end if i = i + 1 if (i > N_MAX) then files = [files, files_tmp] i = 1 end if files_tmp(i)%s = join_path(dir, string_fortran) end if end do r = c_closedir(dir_handle) if (r /= 0) then print *, 'c_closedir() failed' error stop end if if (i > 0) then files = [files, files_tmp(1:i)] end if if (present(recurse)) then if (recurse) then allocate(sub_dir_files(0)) do i=1,size(files) if (c_is_dir(files(i)%s//c_null_char) /= 0) then call list_files(files(i)%s, dir_files, recurse=.true.) sub_dir_files = [sub_dir_files, dir_files] end if end do files = [files, sub_dir_files] end if end if end subroutine list_files #else !> Get file & directory names in directory `dir`. !! !! - File/directory names return are relative to cwd, ie. preprended with `dir` !! - Includes files starting with `.` except current directory and parent directory !! recursive subroutine list_files(dir, files, recurse) character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir type(string_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: files(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: recurse integer :: stat, fh, i character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(string_t), allocatable :: dir_files(:) type(string_t), allocatable :: sub_dir_files(:) if (.not. is_dir(dir)) then allocate (files(0)) return end if allocate (temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) select case (get_os_type()) case (OS_UNKNOWN, OS_LINUX, OS_MACOS, OS_CYGWIN, OS_SOLARIS, OS_FREEBSD, OS_OPENBSD) call run('ls -A ' // dir , & & redirect=temp_file, exitstat=stat,echo=.false.,verbose=.false.) case (OS_WINDOWS) call run('dir /b ' // windows_path(dir), & & redirect=temp_file, exitstat=stat,echo=.false.,verbose=.false.) end select if (stat /= 0) then call fpm_stop(2,'*list_files*:directory listing failed') end if files = read_lines(temp_file) call delete_file(temp_file) do i=1,size(files) files(i)%s = join_path(dir,files(i)%s) end do if (present(recurse)) then if (recurse) then allocate(sub_dir_files(0)) do i=1,size(files) if (is_dir(files(i)%s)) then call list_files(files(i)%s, dir_files, recurse=.true.) sub_dir_files = [sub_dir_files, dir_files] end if end do files = [files, sub_dir_files] end if end if end subroutine list_files #endif !> test if pathname already exists logical function exists(filename) result(r) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename inquire(file=filename, exist=r) !> Directories are not files for the Intel compilers. If so, also use this compiler-dependent extension #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) if (.not.r) inquire(directory=filename, exist=r) #endif end function !> Get a unused temporary filename !! Calls posix 'tempnam' - not recommended, but !! we have no security concerns for this application !! and use here is temporary. !! Works with MinGW function get_temp_filename() result(tempfile) ! use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, C_NULL_PTR, c_f_pointer integer, parameter :: MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 32768 character(:), allocatable :: tempfile type(c_ptr) :: c_tempfile_ptr character(len=1), pointer :: c_tempfile(:) interface function c_tempnam(dir,pfx) result(tmp) bind(c,name="tempnam") import type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pfx type(c_ptr) :: tmp end function c_tempnam subroutine c_free(ptr) BIND(C,name="free") import type(c_ptr), value :: ptr end subroutine c_free end interface c_tempfile_ptr = c_tempnam(C_NULL_PTR, C_NULL_PTR) call c_f_pointer(c_tempfile_ptr,c_tempfile,[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]) tempfile = f_string(c_tempfile) call c_free(c_tempfile_ptr) end function get_temp_filename !> Replace file system separators for windows function windows_path(path) result(winpath) character(*), intent(in) :: path character(:), allocatable :: winpath integer :: idx winpath = path idx = index(winpath,'/') do while(idx > 0) winpath(idx:idx) = '\' idx = index(winpath,'/') end do end function windows_path !> Replace file system separators for unix function unix_path(path) result(nixpath) character(*), intent(in) :: path character(:), allocatable :: nixpath integer :: idx nixpath = path idx = index(nixpath,'\') do while(idx > 0) nixpath(idx:idx) = '/' idx = index(nixpath,'\') end do end function unix_path !>AUTHOR: fpm(1) contributors !!LICENSE: MIT !> !!##NAME !! getline(3f) - [M_io:READ] read a line of arbintrary length from specified !! LUN into allocatable string (up to system line length limit) !! (LICENSE:PD) !! !!##SYNTAX !! subroutine getline(unit,line,iostat,iomsg) !! !! integer,intent(in) :: unit !! character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: line !! integer,intent(out) :: iostat !! character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg !! !!##DESCRIPTION !! Read a line of any length up to programming environment maximum !! line length. Requires Fortran 2003+. !! !! It is primarily expected to be used when reading input which will !! then be parsed or echoed. !! !! The input file must have a PAD attribute of YES for the function !! to work properly, which is typically true. !! !! The simple use of a loop that repeatedly re-allocates a character !! variable in addition to reading the input file one buffer at a !! time could (depending on the programming environment used) be !! inefficient, as it could reallocate and allocate memory used for !! the output string with each buffer read. !! !!##OPTIONS !! LINE The line read when IOSTAT returns as zero. !! LUN LUN (Fortran logical I/O unit) number of file open and ready !! to read. !! IOSTAT status returned by READ(IOSTAT=IOS). If not zero, an error !! occurred or an end-of-file or end-of-record was encountered. !! IOMSG error message returned by system when IOSTAT is not zero. !! !!##EXAMPLE !! !! Sample program: !! !! program demo_getline !! use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdin=>input_unit !! use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_end !! use FPM_filesystem, only : getline !! implicit none !! integer :: iostat !! character(len=:),allocatable :: line, iomsg !! open(unit=stdin,pad='yes') !! INFINITE: do !! call getline(stdin,line,iostat,iomsg) !! if(iostat /= 0) exit INFINITE !! write(*,'(a)')'['//line//']' !! enddo INFINITE !! if(iostat /= iostat_end)then !! write(*,*)'error reading input:',iomsg !! endif !! end program demo_getline !! subroutine getline(unit, line, iostat, iomsg) !> Formatted IO unit integer, intent(in) :: unit !> Line to read character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line !> Status of operation integer, intent(out) :: iostat !> Error message character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg integer, parameter :: BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 character(len=BUFFER_SIZE) :: buffer character(len=256) :: msg integer :: size integer :: stat allocate(character(len=0) :: line) do read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=stat, iomsg=msg, size=size) & & buffer if (stat > 0) exit line = line // buffer(:size) if (stat < 0) then if (is_iostat_eor(stat)) then stat = 0 end if exit end if end do if (stat /= 0) then if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = trim(msg) end if iostat = stat end subroutine getline !> delete a file by filename subroutine delete_file(file) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file logical :: exist integer :: unit inquire(file=file, exist=exist) if (exist) then open(file=file, newunit=unit) close(unit, status="delete") end if end subroutine delete_file !> write trimmed character data to a file if it does not exist subroutine warnwrite(fname,data) character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname character(len=*),intent(in) :: data(:) if(.not.exists(fname))then call filewrite(fname,data) else write(stderr,'(*(g0,1x))')'<INFO> ',fname,& & 'already exists. Not overwriting' endif end subroutine warnwrite !> procedure to open filename as a sequential "text" file subroutine fileopen(filename,lun,ier) character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename integer,intent(out) :: lun integer,intent(out),optional :: ier integer :: ios character(len=256) :: message message=' ' ios=0 if(filename/=' ')then open(file=filename, & & newunit=lun, & & form='formatted', & ! FORM = FORMATTED | UNFORMATTED & access='sequential', & ! ACCESS = SEQUENTIAL| DIRECT | STREAM & action='write', & ! ACTION = READ|WRITE| READWRITE & position='rewind', & ! POSITION= ASIS | REWIND | APPEND & status='new', & ! STATUS = NEW| REPLACE| OLD| SCRATCH| UNKNOWN & iostat=ios, & & iomsg=message) else lun=stdout ios=0 endif if(ios/=0)then lun=-1 if(present(ier))then ier=ios else call fpm_stop(3,'*fileopen*:'//filename//':'//trim(message)) endif endif end subroutine fileopen !> simple close of a LUN. On error show message and stop (by default) subroutine fileclose(lun,ier) integer,intent(in) :: lun integer,intent(out),optional :: ier character(len=256) :: message integer :: ios if(lun/=-1)then close(unit=lun,iostat=ios,iomsg=message) if(ios/=0)then if(present(ier))then ier=ios else call fpm_stop(4,'*fileclose*:'//trim(message)) endif endif endif end subroutine fileclose !> procedure to write filedata to file filename subroutine filewrite(filename,filedata) character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename character(len=*),intent(in) :: filedata(:) integer :: lun, i, ios character(len=256) :: message call fileopen(filename,lun) if(lun/=-1)then ! program currently stops on error on open, but might ! want it to continue so -1 (unallowed LUN) indicates error ! write file do i=1,size(filedata) write(lun,'(a)',iostat=ios,iomsg=message)trim(filedata(i)) if(ios/=0)then call fpm_stop(5,'*filewrite*:'//filename//':'//trim(message)) endif enddo endif ! close file call fileclose(lun) end subroutine filewrite !>AUTHOR: John S. Urban !!LICENSE: Public Domain !> !!##Name !! which(3f) - [M_io:ENVIRONMENT] given a command name find the pathname by searching !! the directories in the environment variable $PATH !! (LICENSE:PD) !! !!##Syntax !! function which(command) result(pathname) !! !! character(len=*),intent(in) :: command !! character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname !! !!##Description !! Given a command name find the first file with that name in the directories !! specified by the environment variable $PATH. !! !!##options !! COMMAND the command to search for !! !!##Returns !! PATHNAME the first pathname found in the current user path. Returns blank !! if the command is not found. !! !!##Example !! !! Sample program: !! !! Checking the error message and counting lines: !! !! program demo_which !! use M_io, only : which !! implicit none !! write(*,*)'ls is ',which('ls') !! write(*,*)'dir is ',which('dir') !! write(*,*)'install is ',which('install') !! end program demo_which !! function which(command) result(pathname) character(len=*),intent(in) :: command character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname, checkon, paths(:), exts(:) integer :: i, j pathname='' call split(get_env('PATH'),paths,delimiters=merge(';',':',separator()=='\')) SEARCH: do i=1,size(paths) checkon=trim(join_path(trim(paths(i)),command)) select case(separator()) case('/') if(exists(checkon))then pathname=checkon exit SEARCH endif case('\') if(exists(checkon))then pathname=checkon exit SEARCH endif if(exists(checkon//'.bat'))then pathname=checkon//'.bat' exit SEARCH endif if(exists(checkon//'.exe'))then pathname=checkon//'.exe' exit SEARCH endif call split(get_env('PATHEXT'),exts,delimiters=';') do j=1,size(exts) if(exists(checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j))))then pathname=checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j)) exit SEARCH endif enddo end select enddo SEARCH end function which !>AUTHOR: fpm(1) contributors !!LICENSE: MIT !> !!##Name !! run(3f) - execute specified system command and selectively echo !! command and output to a file and/or stdout. !! (LICENSE:MIT) !! !!##Syntax !! subroutine run(cmd,echo,exitstat,verbose,redirect) !! !! character(len=*), intent(in) :: cmd !! logical,intent(in),optional :: echo !! integer, intent(out),optional :: exitstat !! logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose !! character(*), intent(in), optional :: redirect !! !!##Description !! Execute the specified system command. Optionally !! !! + echo the command before execution !! + return the system exit status of the command. !! + redirect the output of the command to a file. !! + echo command output to stdout !! !! Calling run(3f) is preferred to direct calls to !! execute_command_line(3f) in the fpm(1) source to provide a standard !! interface where output modes can be specified. !! !!##Options !! CMD System command to execute !! ECHO Whether to echo the command being executed or not !! Defaults to .TRUE. . !! VERBOSE Whether to redirect the command output to a null device or not !! Defaults to .TRUE. . !! REDIRECT Filename to redirect stdout and stderr of the command into. !! If generated it is closed before run(3f) returns. !! EXITSTAT The system exit status of the command when supported by !! the system. If not present and a non-zero status is !! generated program termination occurs. !! !!##Example !! !! Sample program: !! !! Checking the error message and counting lines: !! !! program demo_run !! use fpm_filesystem, only : run !! implicit none !! logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false. !! integer :: exitstat !! character(len=:),allocatable :: cmd !! cmd='ls -ltrasd *.md' !! call run(cmd) !! call run(cmd,exitstat=exitstat) !! call run(cmd,echo=F) !! call run(cmd,verbose=F) !! end program demo_run !! subroutine run(cmd,echo,exitstat,verbose,redirect) character(len=*), intent(in) :: cmd logical,intent(in),optional :: echo integer, intent(out),optional :: exitstat logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose character(*), intent(in), optional :: redirect integer :: cmdstat character(len=256) :: cmdmsg, iomsg logical :: echo_local, verbose_local character(:), allocatable :: redirect_str character(:), allocatable :: line integer :: stat, fh, iostat if(present(echo))then echo_local=echo else echo_local=.true. end if if(present(verbose))then verbose_local=verbose else verbose_local=.true. end if if (present(redirect)) then if(redirect /= '')then redirect_str = ">"//redirect//" 2>&1" else redirect_str = "" endif else if(verbose_local)then ! No redirection but verbose output redirect_str = "" else ! No redirection and non-verbose output if (os_is_unix()) then redirect_str = " >/dev/null 2>&1" else redirect_str = " >NUL 2>&1" end if end if end if if(echo_local) print *, '+ ', cmd !//redirect_str call execute_command_line(cmd//redirect_str, exitstat=stat,cmdstat=cmdstat,cmdmsg=cmdmsg) if(cmdstat /= 0)then write(*,'(a)')'<ERROR>:failed command '//cmd//redirect_str call fpm_stop(1,'*run*:'//trim(cmdmsg)) endif if (verbose_local.and.present(redirect)) then open(newunit=fh,file=redirect,status='old',iostat=iostat,iomsg=iomsg) if(iostat == 0)then do call getline(fh, line, iostat) if (iostat /= 0) exit write(*,'(A)') trim(line) end do else write(*,'(A)') trim(iomsg) endif close(fh) end if if (present(exitstat)) then exitstat = stat elseif (stat /= 0) then call fpm_stop(stat,'*run*: Command '//cmd//redirect_str//' returned a non-zero status code') end if end subroutine run !> Delete directory using system OS remove directory commands subroutine os_delete_dir(is_unix, dir, echo) logical, intent(in) :: is_unix character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir logical, intent(in), optional :: echo if (is_unix) then call run('rm -rf ' // dir, echo=echo,verbose=.false.) else call run('rmdir /s/q ' // dir, echo=echo,verbose=.false.) end if end subroutine os_delete_dir !> Determine the path prefix to the local folder. Used for installation, registry etc. function get_local_prefix(os) result(prefix) !> Installation prefix character(len=:), allocatable :: prefix !> Platform identifier integer, intent(in), optional :: os !> Default installation prefix on Unix platforms character(len=*), parameter :: default_prefix_unix = "/usr/local" !> Default installation prefix on Windows platforms character(len=*), parameter :: default_prefix_win = "C:\" character(len=:), allocatable :: home if (os_is_unix(os)) then home=get_env('HOME','') if (home /= '' ) then prefix = join_path(home, ".local") else prefix = default_prefix_unix end if else home=get_env('APPDATA','') if (home /= '' ) then prefix = join_path(home, "local") else prefix = default_prefix_win end if end if end function get_local_prefix !> Returns .true. if provided path is absolute. !> !> `~` not treated as absolute. logical function is_absolute_path(path, is_unix) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path logical, optional, intent(in):: is_unix character(len=*), parameter :: letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' logical :: is_unix_os if (present(is_unix)) then is_unix_os = is_unix else is_unix_os = os_is_unix() end if if (is_unix_os) then is_absolute_path = path(1:1) == '/' else if (len(path) < 2) then is_absolute_path = .false. return end if is_absolute_path = index(letters, path(1:1)) /= 0 .and. path(2:2) == ':' end if end function is_absolute_path !> Get the HOME directory on Unix and the %USERPROFILE% directory on Windows. subroutine get_home(home, error) character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: home type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error if (os_is_unix()) then home=get_env('HOME','') if ( home == '' ) then call fatal_error(error, "Couldn't retrieve 'HOME' variable") return end if else home=get_env('USERPROFILE','') if ( home == '' ) then call fatal_error(error, "Couldn't retrieve '%USERPROFILE%' variable") return end if end if end subroutine get_home !> Execute command line and return output as a string. subroutine execute_and_read_output(cmd, output, error, verbose) !> Command to execute. character(len=*), intent(in) :: cmd !> Command line output. character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: output !> Error to handle. type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error !> Print additional information if true. logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose integer :: exitstat, unit, stat character(len=:), allocatable :: cmdmsg, tmp_file, output_line logical :: is_verbose if (present(verbose)) then is_verbose = verbose else is_verbose = .false. end if tmp_file = get_temp_filename() call run(cmd//' > '//tmp_file, exitstat=exitstat, echo=is_verbose) if (exitstat /= 0) call fatal_error(error, '*run*: '//"Command failed: '"//cmd//"'. Message: '"//trim(cmdmsg)//"'.") open(newunit=unit, file=tmp_file, action='read', status='old') output = '' do call getline(unit, output_line, stat) if (stat /= 0) exit output = output//output_line//' ' end do if (is_verbose) print *, output close(unit, status='delete') end !> Ensure a windows path is converted to an 8.3 DOS path if it contains spaces function get_dos_path(path,error) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error character(len=:), allocatable :: get_dos_path character(:), allocatable :: redirect,screen_output,line integer :: stat,cmdstat,iunit,last ! Non-Windows OS if (get_os_type()/=OS_WINDOWS) then get_dos_path = path return end if ! Trim path first get_dos_path = trim(path) !> No need to convert if there are no spaces has_spaces: if (scan(get_dos_path,' ')>0) then redirect = get_temp_filename() call execute_command_line('cmd /c for %A in ("'//path//'") do @echo %~sA >'//redirect//' 2>&1',& exitstat=stat,cmdstat=cmdstat) !> Read screen output command_OK: if (cmdstat==0 .and. stat==0) then allocate(character(len=0) :: screen_output) open(newunit=iunit,file=redirect,status='old',iostat=stat) if (stat == 0)then do call getline(iunit, line, stat) if (stat /= 0) exit screen_output = screen_output//line//' ' end do ! Close and delete file close(iunit,status='delete') else call fatal_error(error,'cannot read temporary file from successful DOS path evaluation') return endif else command_OK call fatal_error(error,'unsuccessful Windows->DOS path command') return end if command_OK get_dos_path = trim(adjustl(screen_output)) endif has_spaces !> Ensure there are no trailing slashes last = len_trim(get_dos_path) if (last>1 .and. get_dos_path(last:last)=='/' .or. get_dos_path(last:last)=='\') get_dos_path = get_dos_path(1:last-1) end function get_dos_path end module fpm_filesystem