versioning.f90 Source File

Source Code

!> Implementation of versioning data for comparing packages
module fpm_versioning
    use fpm_error, only : error_t, syntax_error
    use fpm_strings, only: string_t
    use regex_module, only: regex
    implicit none

    public :: version_t, new_version
    public :: regex_version_from_text

    type :: version_t

        !> Version numbers found
        integer, allocatable :: num(:)


        generic :: operator(==) => equals
        procedure, private :: equals

        generic :: operator(/=) => not_equals
        procedure, private :: not_equals

        generic :: operator(>) => greater
        procedure, private :: greater

        generic :: operator(<) => less
        procedure, private :: less

        generic :: operator(>=) => greater_equals
        procedure, private :: greater_equals

        generic :: operator(<=) => less_equals
        procedure, private :: less_equals

        !> Compare a version against a version constraint (x.x.0 <= v < x.x.HUGE)
        generic :: operator(.match.) => match
        procedure, private :: match

        !> Create a printable string from a version data type
        procedure :: s

    end type version_t

    !> Arbitrary internal limit of the version parser
    integer, parameter :: max_limit = 3

    interface new_version
        module procedure :: new_version_from_string
        module procedure :: new_version_from_int
    end interface new_version


    !> Create a new version from a string
    subroutine new_version_from_int(self, num)

        !> Instance of the versioning data
        type(version_t), intent(out) :: self

        !> Subversion numbers to define version data
        integer, intent(in) :: num(:)

        self%num = num

    end subroutine new_version_from_int

    !> Create a new version from a string
    subroutine new_version_from_string(self, string, error)

        !> Instance of the versioning data
        type(version_t), intent(out) :: self

        !> String describing the version information
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string

        !> Error handling
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        integer :: istart, iend, stat, nn
        integer :: num(max_limit)
        logical :: is_number

        nn = 0
        iend = 0
        istart = 0
        is_number = .false.

        do while(iend < len(string))
            call next(string, istart, iend, is_number, error)
            if (allocated(error)) exit
            if (is_number) then
                if (nn >= max_limit) then
                    call token_error(error, string, istart, iend, &
                        & "Too many subversions found")
                end if
                nn = nn + 1
                read(string(istart:iend), *, iostat=stat) num(nn)
                if (stat /= 0) then
                    call token_error(error, string, istart, iend, &
                        & "Failed to parse version number")
                end if
            end if
        end do
        if (allocated(error)) return
        if (.not.is_number) then
            call token_error(error, string, istart, iend, &
                & "Expected version number, but no characters are left")
        end if

        call new_version(self, num(:nn))

    end subroutine new_version_from_string

    !> Tokenize a version string
    subroutine next(string, istart, iend, is_number, error)

        !> String describing the version information
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string

        !> Start of last token, start of next token on exit
        integer, intent(inout) :: istart

        !> End of last token on entry, end of next token on exit
        integer, intent(inout) :: iend

        !> Token produced is a number
        logical, intent(inout) :: is_number

        !> Error handling
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        integer :: ii, nn
        logical :: was_number
        character :: tok

        was_number = is_number
        nn = len(string)

        if (iend >= nn) then
            istart = nn
            iend = nn
        end if

        ii = min(iend + 1, nn)
        tok = string(ii:ii)

        is_number = tok /= '.'
        if (is_number .eqv. was_number) then
            call token_error(error, string, istart, ii, &
                & "Unexpected token found")
        end if

        if (.not.is_number) then
            is_number = .false.
            istart = ii
            iend = ii
        end if

        istart = ii
        do ii = min(iend + 1, nn), nn
            tok = string(ii:ii)
            select case(tok)
            case default
                call token_error(error, string, istart, ii, &
                    & "Invalid character in version number")
            case('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
                iend = ii
            end select
        end do

    end subroutine next

    !> Create an error on an invalid token, provide some visual context as well
    subroutine token_error(error, string, istart, iend, message)

        !> Error handling
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        !> String describing the version information
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: string

        !> Start of last token, start of next token on exit
        integer, intent(in) :: istart

        !> End of last token on entry, end of next token on exit
        integer, intent(in) :: iend

        !> Error message
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

        character(len=*), parameter :: nl = new_line('a')

        error%message = message // nl // "  | " // string // nl // &
            & "  |" // repeat('-', istart) // repeat('^', iend - istart + 1)

    end subroutine token_error

    pure function s(self) result(string)

        !> Version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: self

        !> Character representation of the version
        character(len=:), allocatable :: string

        integer, parameter :: buffersize = 64
        character(len=buffersize) :: buffer
        integer :: ii

        do ii = 1, ndigits(self)
            if (allocated(string)) then
                write(buffer, '(".", i0)') self%num(ii)
                string = string // trim(buffer)
                write(buffer, '(i0)') self%num(ii)
                string = trim(buffer)
            end if
        end do

        if (.not.allocated(string)) then
            string = '0'
        end if

    end function s

    !> Check to version numbers for equality
    elemental function equals(lhs, rhs) result(is_equal)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> Version match
        logical :: is_equal

        is_equal = .not.(lhs > rhs)
        if (is_equal) then
            is_equal = .not.(rhs > lhs)
        end if

    end function equals

    !> Check two versions for inequality
    elemental function not_equals(lhs, rhs) result(not_equal)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> Version mismatch
        logical :: not_equal

        not_equal = lhs > rhs
        if (.not.not_equal) then
            not_equal = rhs > lhs
        end if

    end function not_equals

    !> Relative comparison of two versions
    elemental function greater(lhs, rhs) result(is_greater)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> First version is greater
        logical :: is_greater

        integer :: ii, lhs_size, rhs_size

        do ii = 1, min(ndigits(lhs),ndigits(rhs))
            if (lhs%num(ii) /= rhs%num(ii)) then
                is_greater = lhs%num(ii) > rhs%num(ii)
            end if
        end do

        is_greater = ndigits(lhs) > ndigits(rhs)
        if (is_greater) then
            do ii = ndigits(rhs) + 1, ndigits(lhs)
                is_greater = lhs%num(ii) > 0
                if (is_greater) return
            end do
        end if

    end function greater

    !> Relative comparison of two versions
    elemental function less(lhs, rhs) result(is_less)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> First version is less
        logical :: is_less

        is_less = rhs > lhs

    end function less

    !> Relative comparison of two versions
    elemental function greater_equals(lhs, rhs) result(is_greater_equal)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> First version is greater or equal
        logical :: is_greater_equal

        is_greater_equal = .not. (rhs > lhs)

    end function greater_equals

    !> Relative comparison of two versions
    elemental function less_equals(lhs, rhs) result(is_less_equal)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> First version is less or equal
        logical :: is_less_equal

        is_less_equal = .not. (lhs > rhs)

    end function less_equals

    !> Try to match first version against second version
    elemental function match(lhs, rhs)

        !> First version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: lhs

        !> Second version number
        class(version_t), intent(in) :: rhs

        !> Version match following semantic versioning rules
        logical :: match

        type(version_t) :: tmp

        match = .not.(rhs > lhs)
        if (match) then
            tmp%num = rhs%num
            tmp%num(size(tmp%num)) = tmp%num(size(tmp%num)) + 1
            match = tmp > lhs
        end if

    end function match

    !> Number of digits
    elemental integer function ndigits(self)
       class(version_t), intent(in) :: self

       if (allocated(self%num)) then
          ndigits = size(self%num)
          ndigits = 0
       end if

    end function ndigits

    ! Extract canonical version flags "1.0.0" or "1.0" as the first instance inside a text
    ! (whatever long) using regex
    type(string_t) function regex_version_from_text(text,what,error) result(ver)
        character(*), intent(in) :: text
        character(*), intent(in) :: what
        type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

        integer :: ire, length

        if (len_trim(text)<=0) then
            call syntax_error(error,'cannot retrieve '//what//' version: empty input string')
        end if

        ! Extract 3-sized version "1.0.4"
        ire = regex(text,'\d+\.\d+\.\d+',length=length)
        if (ire>0 .and. length>0) then
            ! Parse version into the object (this should always work)
            ver = string_t(text(ire:ire+length-1))

            ! Try 2-sized version "1.0"
            ire = regex(text,'\d+\.\d+',length=length)

            if (ire>0 .and. length>0) then
                ver = string_t(text(ire:ire+length-1))
                call syntax_error(error,'cannot retrieve '//what//' version.')
            end if

        end if

    end function regex_version_from_text

end module fpm_versioning