ar_is_same Function

public function ar_is_same(this, that)

Check that two archiver_t objects are equal All checks passed!

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(archiver_t), intent(in) :: this
class(serializable_t), intent(in) :: that

Return Value logical

Source Code

logical function ar_is_same(this,that)
    class(archiver_t), intent(in) :: this
    class(serializable_t), intent(in) :: that

    ar_is_same = .false.

    select type (other=>that)
       type is (archiver_t)

          if (.not.(this%ar==other%ar)) return
          if (.not.(this%use_response_file.eqv.other%use_response_file)) return
          if (.not.(this%echo.eqv.other%echo)) return
          if (.not.(this%verbose.eqv.other%verbose)) return

       class default
          ! Not the same type
    end select

    !> All checks passed!
    ar_is_same = .true.

end function ar_is_same