new_archiver Subroutine

public subroutine new_archiver(self, ar, echo, verbose)

Create new archiver instance


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(archiver_t), intent(out) :: self

New instance of the archiver

character(len=*), intent(in) :: ar

User provided archiver command

logical, intent(in) :: echo

Echo compiler command

logical, intent(in) :: verbose

Verbose mode: dump compiler output


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=*), public, parameter :: arflags = " -rs "
integer, public :: estat
character(len=*), public, parameter :: libflags = " /OUT:"
integer, public :: os_type

Source Code

subroutine new_archiver(self, ar, echo, verbose)
    !> New instance of the archiver
    type(archiver_t), intent(out) :: self
    !> User provided archiver command
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: ar
    !> Echo compiler command
    logical, intent(in) :: echo
    !> Verbose mode: dump compiler output
    logical, intent(in) :: verbose

    integer :: estat, os_type

    character(len=*), parameter :: arflags = " -rs ", libflags = " /OUT:"

    if (len_trim(ar) > 0) then
      ! Check first for ar-like commands
      if (check_compiler(ar, "ar")) then
        self%ar = ar//arflags
      end if

      ! Check for lib-like commands
      if (check_compiler(ar, "lib")) then
        self%ar = ar//libflags
      end if

      ! Fallback and assume ar-like behaviour
      self%ar = ar//arflags
      os_type = get_os_type()
      if (os_type /= OS_WINDOWS .and. os_type /= OS_UNKNOWN) then
        self%ar = "ar"//arflags
        call execute_command_line("ar --version > "//get_temp_filename()//" 2>&1", &
          & exitstat=estat)
        if (estat /= 0) then
          self%ar = "lib"//libflags
          self%ar = "ar"//arflags
        end if
      end if
    end if
    self%use_response_file = os_type == OS_WINDOWS
    self%echo = echo
    self%verbose = verbose
end subroutine new_archiver