which(3f) - [M_io:ENVIRONMENT] given a command name find the pathname by searching
the directories in the environment variable $PATH
function which(command) result(pathname)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname
Given a command name find the first file with that name in the directories
specified by the environment variable $PATH.
COMMAND the command to search for
PATHNAME the first pathname found in the current user path. Returns blank
if the command is not found.
Sample program:
Checking the error message and counting lines:
program demo_which
use M_io, only : which
implicit none
write(*,*)'ls is ',which('ls')
write(*,*)'dir is ',which('dir')
write(*,*)'install is ',which('install')
end program demo_which
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | command |
function which(command) result(pathname) character(len=*),intent(in) :: command character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname, checkon, paths(:), exts(:) integer :: i, j pathname='' call split(get_env('PATH'),paths,delimiters=merge(';',':',separator()=='\')) SEARCH: do i=1,size(paths) checkon=trim(join_path(trim(paths(i)),command)) select case(separator()) case('/') if(exists(checkon))then pathname=checkon exit SEARCH endif case('\') if(exists(checkon))then pathname=checkon exit SEARCH endif if(exists(checkon//'.bat'))then pathname=checkon//'.bat' exit SEARCH endif if(exists(checkon//'.exe'))then pathname=checkon//'.exe' exit SEARCH endif call split(get_env('PATHEXT'),exts,delimiters=';') do j=1,size(exts) if(exists(checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j))))then pathname=checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j)) exit SEARCH endif enddo end select enddo SEARCH end function which